Kamis, 12 Februari 2009


SMK Syubbanul Wathon represent one of SMK residing in Tegalrejo,Magelang precisely in jl. Kyai Abdan ( area of GOR Bhumi Manunggal), Tegalrejo. SMK being based on Technology and information also this Maisonette Pesantren have a purpose to educate its student exeed in the field of Technologi of Information and akhaqul Karimah.

A. Study System
Study system in SMK Syubbanul Wathon is use the different curriculum with the other school because this smk besides using curriculum from DIKNAS ( Pendidikan Nasional/ National Education) also adopt some of curriculum from Maisonette Pesantren. Student of besides educated by instructor from Maisonette of Pesantren of API in Tegalrejo Magelang. This SMK also claim the student to master the lesson IT (Informaton Technologi) and able to make balance to [it] religion area and also able to besaing [in] world work.

B. Subject
Subject taught in SMK Syubbanul Wathon is IT ( Information Technology), [common/ public] and religion
1. Subject IT (Information Technologi)
This Subject represent the lesson which nucleus;core from smk Syubbanul Wathon. Special Its counsellor conducived to from STIMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Iesson IT taught for example : network Computer 1, network computer 2, PPA ( Application Program Packet), internet, H / S ( Hardware Software) and komgraf ( Graphical Kmputer )
2. Subject [Common/ public]
SMK Syubbanul Wathon is true properly referred as a unique school, because public Iesson taught at school only Mathematics, Indonesian, Physics, PKS ( Pkn, history, Kewirausahaan) and Sport
3. Religion Subject
That Learning Technology is obliged to for every Muslim people. So also by SMK this, religion Iesson very important to make balance to the Iesson informas technology, so that its circumstance is student will become the skilled child in TI and akhlakul karimah. Other ; dissimilar Religion Iesson in Bording School.

C. Organizational
Like within reason other school, each;every school surely have the organization chart which is often referred by OSIS ( Student Organization Intra School). But for this SMK, the organization is not called by OSIS but SWIS.COM ( Syubbanul Wathon Islamic Student Comunyti). Organizational this represent the mains from other;dissimilar organizations exist in SMK Syubbanul Wathon. For example of like organization Teater, S2F ( Syubbanul Scouth Foundation), and other altogether reside in below/ under organization SWIS.COM. This SWIS.COM represent the organization in charge of for all activities of exist in SMK Syubbanul Wathon. For example there an event, hence member SWIS.COM to be encumbered by] the committee duty in the event

D. Manager and Counsellor
SMK Syubbanul Wathon is first time founded by team five which have member : H.A ' Izzudien Lc, Eko Purwanto, Fatkhurrohman SPD, Umi Hidayah Spd, and Zitro Atraytanto. This SMK reside in below / under wings of institution of Syubbanul Wathon led by Gus Yusuf Ch. Later;Then, the institution trust H. A ' Izzudien Lc as head master of SMK Syubbanul Wathon ably he have after graduating from Al-Azhar, Kairo, Egypt. In this SMK, there is also manager which at one blow counsellor and there is also taking hold of to become the just just counsellor. While intention from manager and counsellor that is : manager is one who manage everything which deal with school, for example proposal. While counsellor is one who undertake to give the science to student as according to its membership of each.
Manager of exist in SMK Syubbanul Wathon for example : H.A ' Izzudien Lc, Eko Purwanto, Fatkhurrohman SPD, Umi Hidayah Spd, Zitro Atraytanto, Muchibin, Dimyati, and Amir. While counsellor teaching TI [is] : Glorious Rico [of] F SKOM,DINA Maulina SKOM, Ninik Three H SKOM, and others. For the Iesson of [common/ public] there is Bahrul Ulum SPd, Mazimatul Ma'Wa SPd, Ismyatun SPd, Umi Hidayah SPd, Rosi Wahyuni SPd, and EKO Purwanto. For the Iesson of its counsellor religion is : Muchibin Dkk, Amir Dkk

E. Extra Kuriuler
SMK Syubbanul Wathon own a lot of extra curricular for the shake of improving of talent and creativities student. Others there are some extra curricular supporting Iesson, for example for the IT of like blogging which utilize t for the optimation of blog, extra curricular of English art to support the student ability in English-speaking in SMK Syubbanul Wathon. For enthusiastic student in the field of acting, student can follow extra curricular legitimate stage.
Discipline also require to be owned by student, that untu is SMK Syubbanul Wathon prepare extra SSF to train the discipline. Student also learn in the world of perfilman, student also taught to make the film in extra Production House and all extra below/ under organizational observation of SWIS.COM so that/ to be student given by the diffuseness in improving creativities.

F. Facility
SMK Syubbanul Wathon own the good enough facility. This facility is very important to support the study in this school, among other things that is :
1. Bording School
This Term possible still be foreign for some people of because this facility still seldom met in institutes education and usually only there are at school which have bases to of Islam school. Like SMK Syubbanul Wathon. Intend performing of bording school that is so that student of SMK Syubbanul Wathon get the deeper Iesson of religion area, educating student of learning self-supporting life and still a lot of again reason we which can pluck from this bording school. With the existence of this bording school, can make the student which its residence far from Tegalrejo feel taken an interest in this school. just For example for the first force of and second, by dozens student which intentionally come from a distance, for example Sumatranese, Yogyakarta, Purworejo and still a lot of from other;dissimilar area just to claim the science which in world and in eternity. Therefore, we are as pride writer and grateful can go to school in SMK Syubbanul Wathon. A lot of advantage obtained with the existence of bording scool, among other things is more self-supporting. From other side that, still a lot of advantage we to get the
2. Computer Laboratory
SMK Syubbanul Wathon own one laboratory praktikum for the Iesson of PPA,INTERNET, Jarkom and others. As well as owning one laboratory Hardware & Software. Others, headmaster of SMK Syubbanul Wathon also will to develop;build the booth internet in Februari and taking care of and take care of the the warnet [is] student of SMK Syubbanul Wathon. So that student can apply the Iesson IT is which during the time got in SMK. Beside that, on Sunday for student of SMK Syubbanul Wathon earn the cheerful internet in laboratory SMK free of charge.

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